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Pilgrimages for the consistory

Continuing the emphasis that Sean O’Malley is going to be a different kind of cardinal than the people of Boston are used to, the Boston Globe noted the low-key nature of pilgrimages to Rome this week for the consistory compared to those of... [Continue Reading]

Camping Vacation in Gettysburg

[lead dropcap="yes"]We just returned from our summer vacation in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, over the weekend. It was a great place to visit for several reasons, but it was also not without its hardships. (Incidentally, if you want to read Melanie's... [Continue Reading]

Podcasting Equipment For Beginners

s someone who has been involved in podcasting for almost a decade and who podcasts as a full-time job now, I often get asked for recommendations for podcasting equipment for beginners. I wish I had a good quick answer for that, but I don’t. That’s... [Continue Reading]

Hi, I’m a Podcaster

[lead dropcap="yes"]Well, I’m moving on again. For the past two years, I’ve been Director of Community Engagement for Massachusetts Citizens for Life, an organization doing important work holding the line on assisted suicide against well-funded... [Continue Reading]

Camp site near Acadia National Park

Book Review: Heading Out: A History of American Camping

[lead dropcap="yes"]Camping has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. From before I can remember, my parents took us RV camping: in a VW microbus and then later in a borrowed Winnebago. Eventually we got a trailer camper. As I got... [Continue Reading]

Remembering Father Timothy Murphy

[lead dropcap="yes"]The summer of 1996 I was planning to move from Ohio back to Massachusetts. I had finished up at Franciscan University of Steubenville and had a job that allowed me to work remotely from anywhere I had an internet connection. My... [Continue Reading]

More Tales of Social Media Marketing Mistakes

[lead dropcap="yes"]Earlier this year I wrote a blog post1 about college students moving to low-tax states. I wanted to illustrate it with an image of a young person house-moving and found one on Flickr on the account of a small moving company that... [Continue Reading]

