Those rumors

Those rumors

A few people have emailed about the rumor I posted earlier this week, that two Boston priests would be resigning their positions because of relationships with women.

At least one person questioned the veracity since they hadn’t seen any newspaper articles about it. While it seems that the local newspapers revel in every piece of bad news that comes out of the archdiocese, they don’t actually print every single thing, at least not as it happens. So don’t expect this to necessarily end up in the newspaper.

Also these are not vague rumors. I have been given specific names and circumstances and one of them announced his resignation from the pulpit this past Sunday. I haven’t posted their names because there has been no official announcement and thus there might be legal ramifications if I did so.

But if you know priests or Church employees in Boston, you can certainly find out if you want.

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  • The link to ‘the rumor I posted earlier’ doesn’t seem to go to anything about this rumor but to a post about JPII being not middle of the road but always in front of Christ….related to what some retired bishop or cardinal said about being in the middle etc.  Not that tracking down this rumor is important, but I thought you would want to know the link is wrong.

    Unless I am missing something, which is certainly possible.
    Susan Peterson

  • Someone had posted a link to another blogger they said posted the name of the pastor who resigned on their site. The other site named a pastor who resigned from his parish. It did not say why or that he was one of these two priests.

    Again, my site isn’t going to be the one to name names or take part in it.

