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How I Work in 2023

My last "How I Work" post was in 2018 and and the first one was in 2015 and I thought it was time to update, even though much of how I work remains similar to last time.

LEGO is the New Model Kit

When I was a kid, I liked to build model airplanes and other vehicles. I didn't make lots and lots of them, but I do remember building an F-16 and some Navy warships from some Revell kits, popping the pieces out of the plastic connectors... [Continue Reading]

The Fragrance Problem

A few years ago, Melanie was diagnosed with several new allergies and among them was an allergy to fragrances. This is admittedly an unusual allergy, but it seems our family specializes in unusual allergies.1 And by fragrances, this means all... [Continue Reading]

My Podcasting Workflow: Recording

I’m sometimes asked about my podcasting workflow, how SQPN goes about recording, editing, distributing, and promoting our shows. This is the third in a series of posts that explain the multiple steps that take me from the beginning to the end of the... [Continue Reading]

To Kentucky and Back Again: Week 1

[lead dropcap="yes"]When Melanie told me months ago that her dad’s family was planning a family reunion in Kentucky this fall, my initial reaction was that we wouldn’t be able to manage such a trip with all our kids. But as we talked about it, the... [Continue Reading]

How I Work in 2018

[lead dropcap="yes"]It’s been three years since I first did a “How I Work” blog post (at the prompting of Tom McDonald) and since then I moved to a different full-time job and then to another (current) full-time job, where what I do is now almost... [Continue Reading]

