
More Families Choosing Homeschooling

In the most unsurprising development of 2020, Massachusetts reports that public school enrollment has plummeted 4 percent this year, which might not sound like a lot, but is huge compared to the overall trend in the last decade. While most of the... [Continue Reading]

Raising the Betts #66: Soup Season

In this week's episode, Fall weather has come to New England and that means it's soup season. Dom and Melanie Bettinelli talk about their favorite season, some new soup recipes, a pasta recipe from the Vatican, Melanie's favorite Adam Sandler movie... [Continue Reading]

Raising the Betts #64: Crossover

This week, the Betts take a hike, crossover in Scouts, dig into the family tree, make enchiladas, watch Umbrella Academy, and talk about the contradictions and unexpected turns in the life of discipleship.

Raising the Betts #43: What a Year This Week Has Been

On the latest episode of Raising the Betts: In the midst of this crisis, the Betts stop to ponder what positive effects on faith and culture can result from weeks or months of society-wide quarantine. They also discuss how the family is praying... [Continue Reading]

Destruction of icons in Zurich 1524.

Separating Art and Artist

[lead dropcap="yes”]Over the past couple of years, society has been undergoing a new reckoning that has been dubbed the #MeToo movement. It's part of a larger grappling with the problem of people who used to get away with abusing and using others... [Continue Reading]

More Nonsense about Free College

[lead dropcap="yes"]Progressives/liberals are obsessed with the idea of free college for everyone, probably because it’s an electoral winner. What it is is another trillion-dollar boondoggle. Here’s the latest proposal from the op-ed pages of the... [Continue Reading]

Podcasting Equipment For Beginners

s someone who has been involved in podcasting for almost a decade and who podcasts as a full-time job now, I often get asked for recommendations for podcasting equipment for beginners. I wish I had a good quick answer for that, but I don’t. That’s... [Continue Reading]

Without Dale, Does NASCAR Go On?

[lead dropcap="yes”]I’ve been a NASCAR fan for two decades, but was a casual watcher for a decade beyond that. I remember the good old days of Southern boys beating and banging on each others’ cars and occasionally each other. I also remember the... [Continue Reading]

