Catching up on news in the Boston archdiocese

Catching up on news in the Boston archdiocese

There have been recent developments in the Archdiocese of Boston in the past few weeks that I haven’t been commenting on and analyzing, mainly because I haven’t had a chance to delve into them. Between the baby being born and the job situation, I’ve been a bit distracted. I hope as time goes on and my new schedule settles down I’ll be able to catch up on some of these things, including the latest news on parish closings.

Also there’s big news breaking in Boston this week, I hear, and I’ll let you know what it is when I can.

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  • To start with, St. Anselm’s in Sudbury (where the live-in “vigil” is not quite over yet, is it?) has a new permanent identity as a “rectorate”, which seems to be a type of non-parish community open as an option for former parishioners of St. Anselm’s and residents of the territory it served.   

    Is there a risk that the place might become a sink drawing in dissenters from the area?  On the other hand, since it doesn’t displace the canonical parishes of the territory, nobody would have to join that particular community.

