Archive: Link

Typing Special Characters in OS X (macOS)

Ever wonder how to type all those special characters and even emoji on a Mac? Josh Centers gives the complete lowdown on all the ways to get a trademark symbol or proof marks. Update: Or you could do something like this to make it even easier to add... [Continue Reading]

Don’t waste that peanut butter

The Food52 site had some interesting ideas for how to use up the last bit of peanut butter in a jar rather than waste as I often have, by rinsing out the jar and running it through the dishwasher before it in recycling. It's like using the pig from... [Continue Reading]

Those who are not hungry don’t appreciate the Bread

"Those who don’t understand why Christ came in the form of food, have never been poor." Belief and understanding in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist is an all-time low in our country. At the same time, Americans are the most well-fed... [Continue Reading]

An App for Tracking Your Children’s Ailments

Finally. For years, Melanie and I have bemoaned the lack of an app to help parents track their children's sicknesses over time, like heir temperatures and what medicine you gave them and when. It's especially difficult when you've been up all night... [Continue Reading]

On Evernote’s Pricing Changes

It’s no secret that I’ve been a big Evernote fan since 2009 when I became premium user. I’ve written many times about my various workflows that have turned it into my second brain and an indispensable part of my life. Looks like that’s going to be... [Continue Reading]

Apple’s Strange Bedfellows

I find it highly ironic that as politically liberal as Apple's corporate culture and executive team is, they find themselves being opposed by uber-liberal moonbat Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-MA, even as Apple CEO Tim Cook holds fundraisers for... [Continue Reading]

Knight Club

Were I a younger man and relatively fit and healthy, this is something I would be interested in doing. There is a Knights Hall in Nashua, NH, a gym decked out for medieval martial arts, including armored combat, and they call their workouts... [Continue Reading]

Life in the “Danger Zone”

Anyone who knows me knows that my early life was defined by a desire to be a naval aviator and astronaut. Top Gun came out in theaters in my senior year of high school. So reading this description of life on board the USS Harry S Truman as it... [Continue Reading]

Ensure you get Airport Base Station updates

If you use an Apple Airport base station for your wireless network, be sure you have the Airport Utility app set to give you notice of updates. These are critical security updates and you want to install them as soon as they are available. You can... [Continue Reading]

