Archive: Link

Disciplining Children, the Little House Way

No matter how much times change, human nature remains the same. Thus the lessons of child rearing we see in Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House books, as explicated in this Crisis article, remain applicable today: Children need clear boundaries... [Continue Reading]

Poof! Technology is Magic

A New York legislator is proposing a new law that would mandate the creation of a device, similar to a Breathalyzer, that instead of detecting blood-alcohol level instead analyzes mobile phones to determine if they were being used before a crash. He... [Continue Reading]

A Hamilton Era Will Be Ending This Summer

Hamilton fans who haven't seen the Broadway musical yet, but want to see the original cast better get on it quick. Some of the show's stars, including composer/lyricist/writer/star Lin Manuel Miranda, will be leaving the production this... [Continue Reading]

A Compromise on the Bathroom Bill

Trent Horn goes to town on the logic of the so-called "bathroom bill" in North Carolina that requires people to use the bathroom corresponding with their biological sex as determined on their birth certificates. (What a world we have when you have... [Continue Reading]

Dissent is Not Objectivity

Here's Ken Briggs' National Catholic Reporter commentary in a nutshell: "How can Crux be considered journalism if it doesn't treat heterodoxy as a valid approach to Catholicism?" Briggs is concerned at Crux's move from the control of the Boston... [Continue Reading]

Whole milk really does do a body good

Like coffee and eggs and butter already, whole milk is being rehabilitated from its bad reputation. It turns out skim (yecch!) and low-fat milk aren't really better for you. In fact, you may be better off with whole milk. In a new study published in... [Continue Reading]

