Archive: Link

The New Foundation of Society

From Rod Dreher today on Obama's transgender bathroom policy: Think about it: we already expect so much of our public schools, and now … this? Is it really so important to force schools to let boys play on girl teams, and vice versa, and so forth... [Continue Reading]

The Finest Globes in the World

This small London shop makes some of the nicest globes on the planet, including an $85,000 replica of the Churchill globe, a 700-pound monstrosity that sat in the offices of Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt that were incredibly detailed and... [Continue Reading]

Pope Francis Brings the Church out of the Dark Ages?

This a face palm moment. Katie Couric was on with Stephen Colbert the other night and they were gushing over her meeting Pope Francis. She was at the Vatican for a scientific conference and said this about it: "I was at a scientific conference at... [Continue Reading]

Breitbart’s Catholic school problem

I don't think I've read a more pedantic and deeply flawed piece of reasoning in a non-liberal publication in some time. Breitbart writer Julia Hahn takes House Speaker Paul Ryan to task for his comments that restricting Muslim immigration is un... [Continue Reading]

Gaga Responds

When you're blogging, you can sometimes forget that the whole world can read what you write, and when you write about a particular person, even if (perhaps especially if) they're a celebrity, they will sometimes respond. Case in point: Earlier this... [Continue Reading]

If We Do Math on Planes, the Terrorists Win

A young woman who apparently never took higher math raised an alert with a flight crew when the native Italian man sitting next to her started doing differential equations. He wasn't a terrorist preparing to... what exactly? I don't know, but he's... [Continue Reading]

How One Photo Made Modern Hockey

The most famous hockey photo of all time--and perhaps the most famous sports photo in Boston--is the one of the 1970 Stanley Cup winning goal by Bobby Orr of the Boston Bruins. Or rather of Orr a second after the goal as he flies horizontal through... [Continue Reading]

Apple isn’t Deleting Your Music

There's a blog post going around from a guy who claims that when he subscribed to Apple Music, it uploaded all his music to the cloud--including music he composed--and deleted his original files, thus stealing his music and holding it hostage to his... [Continue Reading]

This is Your Brain on Podcasts

Scientists studying how the brain reacts to storytelling have found that listening to podcasts, especially ones that tell stories, can make time pass much quicker than music can. “Consider the case of just the word ‘dog,’” Dr. Gallant said. “Hearing... [Continue Reading]

