Search results for:

obsolete computer

Churches and Nonprofits, You Need to Ditch Windows XP

[lead dropcap="yes"]There are way too many churches and other nonprofits on a shoestring budget still running computers with Windows XP as the operating system. This is very bad.[/lead] Here's the bottom line: Everything on that PC and on every PC... [Continue Reading]

On Evernote’s Pricing Changes

It’s no secret that I’ve been a big Evernote fan since 2009 when I became premium user. I’ve written many times about my various workflows that have turned it into my second brain and an indispensable part of my life. Looks like that’s going to be... [Continue Reading]

Mac apps

My Must-Have Mac Apps

Update: For more must-have Mac apps, see my follow up article where I give you six more apps. [lead dropcap="yes"]As a known Mac geek in my social circles, I often hear from people who are switching to Macs or iPhones or iPads and asked my advice... [Continue Reading]

Evangelization by Press Release

[lead dropcap="yes"]When most people think of press releases, they generally don't think evangelization. In fact, for those who tend to receive mailbox-clogging numbers of press releases, they are convinced they come from the other direction. But... [Continue Reading]

How I Work

Thomas McDonald has had his How I Pray series of blog posts in which he asks various people about their prayer life (including one of particular interest to me), modeled on Lifehacker’s How I Work series, in which people describe their work... [Continue Reading]

