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Celibacy IS a type of marriage vow

In the October 2006 issue of Crisis magazine, Fr. Ray Ryland, a married former Episcopalian minister, now a Catholic priest, wrote about his perspective on celibacy in the Roman Catholic priesthood. The December issue sees several letters from... [Continue Reading]

The dumbening of the English language

The only point I want to make about this National Geographic article is word usage. The first sentence says: “Japanese fishers have found an unusual bottlenose dolphin with an extra set of fins that could be an evolutionary throwback to the... [Continue Reading]

Brit Catholic liberals worries misplaced

It’s five years after a devastating attack on America by radical Muslim jihadists, and everyone’s doing a retrospective. So what does Britain’s liberal Catholic newspaper focus on? The Tablet asks why liberal American is silent as... [Continue Reading]

Reorganization of the curia begins

Catholic World News reports that the first steps in the promised massive reorganization of the Roman Curia have been taken. It was announced this morning that Pontifical Council for Migrants would merge with the Pontifical Council for Justice and... [Continue Reading]

War heroes

Melanie and I have been discussing movies lately, including movies that present good, honest characters who exhibit strong values, movies that embody the Christian Truths. And then tonight my friend Dave recommended a movie that he thinks embodies... [Continue Reading]

I confess my meme

Patrick Coffin has tagged me with the “I confess…” meme (or to use his neologism, he “memed” me.) So here goes: I confess I have no idea how this meme works, how many “I confess” statements to make, and how... [Continue Reading]

Prayers please

I’ve just heard that a local parish, St. James in Stoughton, had a Confirmation retreat this past weekend and that the worst-case scenario happened: One of the teens died of a brain aneurysm. Fr. James Kelly is the pastor of the parish, and he... [Continue Reading]

Cardinal Cipriani’s story

Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani of Lima, Peru, is the first Opus Dei cardinal, and because Opus Dei is so controversial, so is the cardinal. In this week’s Word from Rome feature, John Allen interviews the cardinal and finds out some very... [Continue Reading]

