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2013 to 2014

Looking Back on a Good Year: 2013

[lead dropcap="yes"]A New Year is an opportunity to look back and to look forward and like many people I like to look at the year just completed to assess and to remember, especially the good times. Here, in no particular order, except for the first... [Continue Reading]

In Praise of Cheerful Men

Such cheerful men, who helped to lop 988 years off the Thousand Year Reich, are serene reproaches to a nation now simmering with grievance groups that nurse their cherished resentments. The culture of complaint gets no nourishment from men like... [Continue Reading]

Big family sushi anniversary

For our anniversary dinner, Melanie and I went to a sushi restaurant in nearby Beverly called Kame. It’s not our favorite, Asahi in Salem, but it’s a close second with perhaps the only difference being that it’s further away. The... [Continue Reading]

Wish lists and bento boxes

If you have an wishlist, how do you use it? As a list for you to remember stuff you want to buy? As a wishlist for friends and family to peruse when it’s your birthday or Christmas? As a list for you to use when buying gifts for... [Continue Reading]

Book review: The Peshawar Lancers by S.M. Stirling

Just finished another S.M. Stirling tale of apocalypse and world destruction in an alternate Earth and while it doesn’t measure up to his great series (Island in the Sea of Time and the Changeverse trilogy), nevertheless The Peshawar Lancers... [Continue Reading]

Guam war reparations is NOT liberal boondoggle

The US House of Representatives today is debating a Democrat-sponsored bill to pay reparations to the people of the Pacific island of Guam for the crimes committed against during World War II by the Japanese Army. (Here’s the text of H.R... [Continue Reading]

Bad reviews can be so good

There’s nothing quite so fun as a review for a bad movie or restaurant. When it’s done with the proverbial British acid wit, it’s even better. The restaurant critic for London’s Observer reviewed the new restaurant... [Continue Reading]

Scaring our kids to death

Are we scaring our kids to death? Peggy Noonan thins we are. She says that while in previous days kids endured duck-and-cover drills and worries about Soviet invasion of Cuba or the WW2-Japanese invading California, but the fear was never as... [Continue Reading]

