Why Can’t We Let Go?

The Verge asks why we have such a hard time letting go of our pop culture, demanding that each beloved book, movie or TV series continue in a new form, never letting the characters go: The problem isn’t simply that we’re getting more of something we... [Continue Reading]

Smart TVs are a dumb idea

Technology should either make complicated things simpler to use or, if they must be more complicated, give you new features that you need. That's where the current generation of smart TVs fail, and Walt Mossberg agrees. But learning to use the TV is... [Continue Reading]

The art of the out-of-office reply

You never know when some pedestrian piece of writing is going to go viral. Sometimes it's benign like this ambitious out-of-office autoreply. Hopefully it's not a career-ending tweet. But in this case, a Dallas News editor's attempt to create a... [Continue Reading]

Jefferson on the Float

[lead dropcap="yes"]Bourbon is the hot trend in adult beverages and a lot of distilleries are taking advantage of the increased demand to do some interesting small batches. Jefferson's Bourbon, named after President Thomas, is a small batch Kentucky... [Continue Reading]

Living the Long Defeat

At the Republican convention last week, internet entrepreneur Peter Thiel echoed a lot of fiscally conservative Republicans today when he told social conservatives to stop letting things like bathroom gender policies (and presumably gay marriage and... [Continue Reading]

Jousting in the Olympics

There's a movement afoot to get jousting into the 2020 Summer Olympics. Yes, jousting. Men in armor on horseback, knocking each out of their saddles with 12-foot lances. Sewell said jousting, which requires “a huge amount of skill and involves a... [Continue Reading]

The “Objective” Media

When the mainstream media is accused of being biased in favor of the Democrats, many journalists vehemently deny that such is the case. Perhaps many journalists are in fact unbiased reporters. In that case, when we have obvious cases of collusion... [Continue Reading]

