On pregnancy, life, and death

On pregnancy, life, and death

My wife Melanie has some reflections on pregnancy, life, and death that I think are beautiful and profound. You might think so too.

In a way birth is as much a mystery as death. What life is like before birth is as unknowable as life after death, even though it is in the past we don’t remember life in the womb. Maybe this accounts for the popular conception that souls reside in heaven before they come to earth.

What does she know, this little unknown one who I feel moving mysteriously within but cannot see or touch or hear or smell? What is she aware of?

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  • Melanie,

    How absolutely beautiful!  How pefectly evangelical!  How wonderfully those words so gracefully spilled from your heart to the keyboard to our screens… 

    Praise God!

  • Melanie, maybe what she knows is not the question.  But that she is known.  Perhaps that being known is enough to fill her up.  What more is there?

  • Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.

  • Did you click through to my blog and read the whole entry? That was rather my point. That she is known and loved.

    Though I do think that the question of what she knows is interesting in the sense that we are told to be like little children in our complete trust and dependence on the Father who made us. 

    Thank you. I’m glad you liked my little thoughts.

