NPR pushing abstinence

NPR pushing abstinence

Who woulda thunk it? National Public Radio pushing abstinence.

Miss Kelly heard a commentary on All Things Considered in which a 31-year-old woman talked about why she had remained a virgin until marriage. Interestingly, she was able to argue for the value of abstinence without having to make an appeal to religious values, something that Planned Parenthood and the anti-abstinence crowd trying to get abstinence-only programs tossed out of schools say is not possible. Miss Kelly says:

She also notes that while most brides and grooms today boogie the night away at their wedding reception, she and her groom were outta there in record time, they couldn’t wait to begin their honeymoon.  A very touching commentary, and remarkable for being on NPR, bastion of liberal-think that it is.

Funny how modesty/chastity is almost considered rebellious today.  But in a time where not only colleges, but even middle schools and high schools are distributing birth control, it is counter-cultural to abstain from sex.  The rebellious kids today are the ones who aren’t buying into casual sex or “friends with benefits.”  The pendulum is swinging back, methinks, and that’s a good thing.

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  • I was having a discussion with a priest friend of mine and we both agreed that fornication is a very big problem among the 15 to 35 crowd.  We have determined that 95% are fornicating.  Rarely do the “good” Catholic boy or girl stay a virgin before marriage.  Hardly do we get an engaged couple who is not “hooking-up.”  Church-going Catholic parents have given up on trying to teach their children, who have decided to fornicate, that fornication is a violation of God’s commandments.  I have seen young men and women, whom I have had much hope in, make the decision to move in with their boyfriend or girlfriend.  It is so hard to preach on the subject.  The issue begins with contraception.  The contraceptive mentality is destroying lives.  It is the source of the contemporary problems with human sexuality we are having with homosexuality, divorce, abortion, fornication, pornography, and adultery.

  • Fr Ethan,
    I have no doubt you are right and after watching the Frontline documentary “The Lost Children of Rockdale County” about the comeback of syphillis among other VDs and seeing “good kids” from “good families” who had no idea fornication was a problem much less wrong that I realized it’s about the supervision stupid.

    Kids hanging out and left to their own devices is a big big problem. The Victorians had one thing right (and I love the furnishings!) chaperones.

