Fishers of Men

Fishers of Men

Melanie and I just finished watching the new vocations video from the USCCB called “Fishers of Men.” I know, I know, can anything good come from the USCCB? (Someone once asked if anything good can come from Nazareth.)

But this is good. Part of the reason may be that the filmmakers told the bishops, “You be bishops, and let us be the filmmakers.” I have to say it was most impressive. (You can watch it online at the link above or directly at this link.)

The film has high production values and the director knows his audience. It’s made for young men so it’s fast-paced, there’s nothing that drags. There’s high energy throughout. It also offers a vision of the priesthood that appeals to any red-blooded American man. It’s a calling to be a hero, to face a challenge.

Priest as superhero

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  • Grassroots Films regularly works directly with the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal (aka Fr. Benedict Groeschel), hence the fidelity and true portayal of the masculine priesthood.

    The man in the video who plays the priest rushing to the accident seen is a brother with the Friars of the Renewal—I know him personally. He was a fellow postulant with me while I was there discerning religious life.

    I’m fairly certain that some of the men playing the role of an apostle are also Friars of the Renewal.

  • Shan,

    I’m a firm believer that our efforts at vocations discernment have to appeal to the generation of men who are the pool we’re choosing from. I also think we need to present the priesthood as a manly pursuit, a challenge and a life-changing event.

    On the one hand, the Blues Brothers is a little dated, but on the other it’s a pop culture reference many men will get. And it encompasses the challenge aspect.

    Most men want to be heroes. They want to feel like they’re doing something that makes a difference. Fatherhood does that. Spiritual fatherhood should be no different.

