Archive: 2020

Raising the Betts #44: Why Are You Afraid?

Since outdoor exercise has been deemed an essential activity, on the latest Raising the Betts, the Betts ventured out to enjoy some nesting herons and other birds. They’ve also spent part of Lent enjoying a virtual retreat with Boston’s Cardinal... [Continue Reading]

Raising the Betts #43: What a Year This Week Has Been

On the latest episode of Raising the Betts: In the midst of this crisis, the Betts stop to ponder what positive effects on faith and culture can result from weeks or months of society-wide quarantine. They also discuss how the family is praying... [Continue Reading]

Raising the Betts #41: Down the Drain

On the latest episode of Raising the Betts, the Betts this week deal with a cascade of kitchen plumbing messes, including a new dishwasher, a falling sink, and new plumbing under the sink; enroll in Merit Badge U; race in the Pinewood Derby; review... [Continue Reading]

When Pandemic Was Our Neighbor

[lead dropcap="yes"]I've been reading "The British Are Coming," by Rick Atkinson, a history of the American Revolutionary War, which is a fantastic book.1 One thing that has struck me was how precarious life used to be. Of course, I know how disease... [Continue Reading]

My Podcasting Workflow: Recording

I’m sometimes asked about my podcasting workflow, how SQPN goes about recording, editing, distributing, and promoting our shows. This is the third in a series of posts that explain the multiple steps that take me from the beginning to the end of the... [Continue Reading]

My Favorite Keyboard Maestro Macros

[lead dropcap="yes"]I got a request to share my favorite Keyboard Maestro macros and so I put a few of them together here. Keyboard Maestro (KM) is a Mac app that allows you to create complex automations to control your software in almost any way... [Continue Reading]

Looking Back on 2019

[lead dropcap="yes"]It has become my custom to spend the last couple of days of each year to write up a review of what happened in the year and then to give a brief glance forward.[/lead] The growth of StarQuest (SQPN) Last year I made the switch to... [Continue Reading]

