Raising the Betts #41: Down the Drain

Raising the Betts #41: Down the Drain

On the latest episode of Raising the Betts, the Betts this week deal with a cascade of kitchen plumbing messes, including a new dishwasher, a falling sink, and new plumbing under the sink; enroll in Merit Badge U; race in the Pinewood Derby; review Spenser: Confidential and Knives Out as well as [easyazon_link identifier="B000V770AK" locale="US" tag="bettnetlinks-20"]Eifelheim[/easyazon_link] and [easyazon_link identifier="1627790438" locale="US" tag="bettnetlinks-20"]The British Are Coming[/easyazon_link]; and have some more great recipes that are good for Lent, including a great soup based on a Moroccan chickpea and lentil soup.

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