That’s news to me

That’s news to me

The Catholic Peace Fellowship cites me in its demand that Condoleeza Rice not be honored by Boston College.

Even Domenico Bettenelli, Jr., editor of Catholic World Report and author of the popular blog, who would be the first to disassociate himself from the peace movement, believes Dr. Rice should not receive the honorary degree. His reasons, though, are based on her pro-choice position, “and not for any other reason.” [emphasis added]

Huh? I'll admit I'm not a pacifist, but I'm a bit bemused by the finality of their statement. No one even asked me, so how do they know what I would do? They then go on to disagree with me, equating Rice's stance on the war with her pro-abortion views, but like many pacifists they completely miss the point on the Church's just war principles.

The reasons behind a particular war, and the actions performed in a war, must first be weighed before a judgment is made on its morality. However, once this has been done, a Catholic may come to the conclusion that a war is unjust. In this case, any killing done in this actual war would then be actually evil. And at no time in U.S. history has it been clearer to Catholics that a war has been unjust than now, with the war in Iraq.

It may be clear to them, but it's not clear to everyone. Good Catholics can and do disagree with them on whether the war in Iraq is unjust. This is a straw man argument. First they need to prove that the war in Iraq violates the Church's just war principles before they can assert it.

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  • And if those Catholics reconsider their position and come to the same conclusion they had before? And if they’re not convinced that what Pope John Paul said about the war in Iraq constituted a definitive statement on the justice of the war binding on the consciences of all Catholics? What then?

  • This is a perfect example of what I had blogged earlier about your views regarding immigration. The media is vicious and any attempts to justify their point in using the views of your blog they will do so.

    I am not sure if you are aware of this. Maybe because you are very young and ambitious, you can’t understand my point, but you need to be more careful on what you say even if it is your blog. I know of one Hispanic friend who USED to read CWR regularly and now he just throws it away.

    We must use Benedict’s advise and walk that fine line between public policy and faith especially on a religious blog that is indirectly connected to CWR, which does speak for millions of Catholics.

    Your disclaimer doesn’t really mean anything when the media is looking to be vicious. I guess this is why the scriptures say that the church should never make a young man a bishop.

  • In that case, no matter what I said could be twisted to suit someone else’s purpose.

    Frankly, I don’t understand your friend’s point in throwing away CWR since the magazine hasn’t covered the immigration issue at all and the views on it I posted here were not at all what you and he attributed to me.

    I’ll try not to take your remarks as condescending, and frankly I don’t think 37 years old is all that young.

