Meet Sophia Therese

Meet Sophia Therese

sophia ultrasound 22 weeks It’s a girl! Or so says the ultrasound technician, who said she’s 99 percent sure. At this point in the pregnancy—22 weeks—it’s fairly certain I guess.

We went for our appointment last night. Happily, Melanie’s dad is here so he could wait with Isabella in the waiting room while we went in. The office has a huge indoor koi pond with some gigantic goldfish and Bella was fascinated with the “fishies”. She was fine with her grandpa. No meltdowns! Yes!

The ultrasound pictures were amazing. Clear as a bell. We could see the brain, the heart, the bladder and kidneys and legs and torso and even a profile of her face. The moving picture was clearer than that still photo and you could clearly see her tiny fist at her mouth. She’s 1.5 pounds and her head is 7 x 5 cm in diameter. Perfect.

  • Congrats!  We noticed earlier this year that the ultrasound clarity seems to be improving.  Not quite 4D, but it provides some useful detail.

  • Thanks! We switched OBs recently because our old one is retiring and the new place has much newer equipment. Amazing really.

    I bet it would be fun to play with. Throw in a bunch of guys and a few six-packs and you can imagine what we could do with an ultrasound machine. smile

  • Well Dom, you will be greatly outnumbered by the women-folk!  As the father of three daughters (as well as one son_ I recommend that you start saving up for that extra bathroom . . . but it’s very nice for Bella that she will have a lifelong friend in her new sister.  God bless your little flock!

  • Too cool!  Congratulations to the entire family!

    I’ll wait for later to tell the horror stories about two girls that close in age growing up in the same house.  But my sister and I have gotten along great ever since college.

