links for 2007-06-11

links for 2007-06-11


  • Dom,
    I wanted to email you this info, but rcvd an error. I know this msg is not in the right category, but here goes anyway:

    Just wanted you to know that in the perpetual adoration chapel, Our Lady of Mt Carmel (Seekonk) a sign has been placed before the Blessed Sacrament asking adorers to pray that MA residents will be allowed to vote for the protection of marriage, and to pray for an amendment to the Mass. constitution. That sign was placed on Sat. while I was there and was still standing yesterday. I don’t know how many other adoration chapels are asking prayer for this petition, but it’s rare for fewer than 3 adorers to be praying at once at OLMC. Usually there are about 8. I hope this news encourages you.
    ps—Congrats and God’s blessings on your new job!

  • At least Pres Bush called him Sir which is a lot better than a lot of Catholics call him.  I think it was fine.

  • RE fewer Catholic marriages, it’s a symptom of
    a) less respect for marriage as a sacrament of the Church as an institution, &
    b) the large number of people living together before marriage (something like 70-80%). 

    Bad, yes?  But this is why it’s happening.

    The article itself also mentions that some protestant groups, namely evangelicals & mormons tend to have better luck keeping teenagers interested in their faith (ostensibly as they near marriage age).  There are good explanations for that.  It’s something the Catholic church does NOT have a handle on. 

    Hint: Evangelicals and mormons don’t traffic in rock & roll church services and baby talk.  They DO have activities which are genuine from their point of view, oriented towards evangelization & human services and adult enough to be interesting.

