Happy Birthday Isabella!

Happy Birthday Isabella!

Isabella's first day - 2 Can it really be one year since Isabella was born? Yes it is.

One year ago today, my beautiful daughter was born at Salem Hospital and weighed 7 lb, 9 oz. (Incidentally, today is also Pope John Paul II’s birthday.)

And now she’s a one year old toddler, shambling around the house like a pint-sized zombie, exploring every nook and cranny with a running babbling commentary. She loves to be outdoors and especially loves other people. She’s such a happy girl, smiling at one and all.

She’s just one year old, but I can’t imagine my life without her.

We took her out for a birthday lunch at Chili’s not because it’s her or our favorite place, but because we had a gift certificate. Still she had a great time smiling and laughing at the waitresses and discovering the wonder that is macaroni and cheese.

We don’t have much else planned for her today. After all she is only one and we did have cake and a party for her last Sunday. But I hope to have more of her family call or video chat to wish her a happy birthday. (My mom instant-messaged us this morning over the iChat which was nice.)

And so another year with Isabella begins. Who knows what this year will bring. More teeth certainly. Perhaps a brother or sister? We can only hope. Whatever it is, I’m looking forward to it.

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  • And now she’s a one year old toddler, shambling around the house like a pint-sized zombie

    Was baby’s first word “BRA-AAAIINSSS!”? smile~

  • God bless your lovely Isabella on her first birthday.  What a joy and a gift for you and Melanie.  Time passes quickly, Dom.  These are the years of grace now for all of you.  Mine are in their early twenties and still seem to be shambling around the house, bumping into furniture and being almost as needy as when they were one.

