Day 2 of labor

Day 2 of labor

The night in the hospital was as restful as you can have in the hospital, which is to mean the roll out bed and hospital bed were equally uncomfortable, although Melanie obviously had the worst of it. To top it off, she’s not allowed to eat or drink, and she always drinks lots of water.

There hasn’t been much progress and so we have to make a decision this morning about inducing labor with a drug or having a C-section. Melanie really wants to avoid the latter because of how much it knocked her back last time. It was a difficult recovery for her.

This has been doubly difficult for Melanie because she misses Isabella so much. This is the longest they’ve been apart. Ironically, Isabella is doing just fine with Grandma so far, which makes all this a little easier.

So we wait and continue to pray and ask the intercession of St. Gerard and the Blessed Mother. Thank you all for your prayers. They are very much appreciated.


1 comment
  • For what it’s worth:
    Go with the pit first. If it doesn’t work, you can then go with a C-section. You can’t do it the other way around.

    Dale reminded me of the previous C and those potential problems, but your doc would know what to do for that too.

