Cynical excuses and evasive answers from LA

Cynical excuses and evasive answers from LA

How deeply cynical of the Los Angeles archdiocese. When detectives asked for a list of potential victims of an alleged pervert priest, the archdiocese refused claiming “that detectives were really interviewing Hispanic altar boys as part of a crackdown on illegal immigrants.” By framing the refusal that way, you can deflect the Hispanic communities anger about a predator among their sons by turning it into fear of a police crackdown with the “brave” archdiocese standing up for them instead of covering it’s own butt.

Then Diogenes uncovers another tidbit, apparently catching the archdiocesan spokesman in a lie. Cardinal Noberto Rivera of Mexico City says he sent Cardinal Roger Mahony a letter warning him about Fr. Nicholas Aguilar, but spokesman Tod Tamberg says, “We’ve said this many times before, and Cardinal Rivera may very well have sent a letter, but nobody received it.” Really?

Then explain this quote from a Dallas Morning News article a few years ago:

Spokesman Tod Tamberg did not respond to most questions from The News, although he did say that Father Aguilar was accepted in Los Angeles after Cardinal Rivera wrote that his cleric wanted to move there “for reasons of his family and health.”

How does he know what Cardinal Rivera wrote about the priest if they never received the letter? Could it be a different letter? Perhaps, but then wouldn’t Rivera have repeated his warnings in a second letter?

In this day and age, you have to keep your story straight because you will always be found out.

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  • Tell me people, why do I stay?  I am a convert and I am done being among these Saducees.  Of course, I am kidding…for as Peter says, “Lord, where else will I go?…”, but why, why, why do these Bishops who are supposed to know Christ fully, openly commit these moral wrongs?  How much longer must the sheep follow these sad, pathetic shephards?

