Comment moderation

Comment moderation

With regret, I have to turn comment moderation on. With an increasing amount of comment spam, as well as comments from trolls and other abusive people, this is an intermediate step before going to back to requiring registration in order to comment. I know some people don’t like registration for whatever reason and not having it allows a wider participation.

With moderation, after you post a comment it will be held in a queue for my approval. In most cases, on weekdays, it should usually take 10-15 minutes at the most before it is approved. On weeknights, it could take a couple of hours depending on what I’m doing that night. On weekends, it could be longer, especially if we’re away for the day or longer. I’m sorry to have to do this, and maybe it will only have to be temporary, but apparently the political and same-sex marriage issues in the news have turned over some rocks and brought out certain trolls.

If you have comments or suggestions, feel free to leave them below or email them to me privately.

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  • I know some people don’t like registration for whatever reason and not having it allows a wider participation.

    I’m not sure why people don’t like registration. It’s not all that hard, is it?

    I’m so sorry you have to go through all of this, Dom.

  • Kelly,I refuse on principle to post anywhere that requires any form of login or registration…I think people should avoid getting into additional databases when they can.

    I respect your principle, Louis.

    But my preference is to (a) relieve Dom from the task of moderating comments and (b) see the comments when they’re posted, if I wish to.

    Logging in and/or registration is required all over the WWW. If you don’t want to do it, fine. Don’t. My vote is to require it. Because the alternative is analogous to a dial-up account…slow, inconvenient, and to be avoided if at all possible.

