Bl. Frassati news

Bl. Frassati news

It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, such that my oldest web page is one dedicated to the young Torino that I originally put up in 1994 and which continues to get a huge amount of web traffic. It has been my privilege since then to have corresponded on a regular basis with his niece, Wanda Gawronska, who heads his official association in Italy, the Associazione Pier Giorgio Frassati, dedicated to spreading his message and advancing his cause.

I just received a message from Wanda that the association is founding a new national organization in the US.

I am writing to share good news with you about the start of a new national organization in USA, which will work closely with our Associazione Pier Giorgio Frassati here in Rome, and will make it easier for you to obtain information, materials, prayer cards and other religious items that, thank God,  so many of you continue to request.  It will be called “FrassatiUSA”, located in Nashville, Tennessee, and will be headed by Christine Wohar . I am sure that all of you – particularly those that since several years suggested me that something alike was necessary in USA – will be glad that finally it exists!!

In addition to being a clearinghouse for materials, FrassatiUSA will organize domestic events and pilgrimages in the path of Pier Giorgio.  One very important aspect of FrassatiUSA will be the preparation of a traveling exhibit and presentation materials to help bring the message of Pier Giorgio to high schools, college campuses, youth groups, etc.  Also, many of you will be happy to know that FrassatiUSA will undertake the translation and publishing of more books on Pier Giorgio in English.  For the sake of advancing the apostolate of Pier Giorgio, I know this new organization is not only a good thing but a necessary thing.

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