A year with Sophia

A year with Sophia


We call her Sophia, Sophie, Phia, or Fee-Fee, but by any name she’s my little girl. It’s hard to believe she’s been with us a whole year, yet it’s also hard to imagine there was a time she wasn’t part of our lives. I think other parents will understand.

One year ago today, Melanie gave birth to Sophia Therese after a whole day of unproductive labor. I still remember the phone call from Melanie, as I was driving to work in rush hour traffic, to turn around and come home because her water broke. And then we rushed to the hospital where we waited. And waited. And Melanie blogged.

Yet here we are a year later, with a beautiful little girl who smiles and laughs and makes her first words and signs other words and crawls and pulls herself up and just adores her big sister.

She must have known today was her big day because she woke up an hour early so as not to miss a minute of it. I love you, Sophia, and happy birthday.


  • Happy (belated) Birthday, Sophia.  May this year be filled with lots of blessing for you and your family.

    I know that type of labor.  Very frustrating.  Of course it all worked out.

