A new blog… Mine!

A new blog… Mine!

Since I’ve been out of work, I’ve had more free time and since it’s the slow news period of the summer which means less material to blog, I’ve been working on a new project. You’ll have noticed that I only occasionally write about cooking and food and wine on this blog, mostly because it would seem bizarre to throw in a recipe for lasagna in the midst of posts about Vatican statements and gay marriage initiatives.

Thus, I’ve recently started up a new blog called In the Kitchen with Bella, which will include recipes as well as articles on all manner of things related to cooking. Melanie has agreed to contribute and I may ask some others to join in as well.

It’s a work in progress and not every single thing is working yet (I’ve also been using the opportunity to learn about CSS-based web design), but a few pieces are up now and more will be coming. So please check it out.

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bk_keywords:cooking, blogging.


