Who else is using Latin and chant in the Mass?

Who else is using Latin and chant in the Mass?

Fr. Martin Fox is taking a survey. He wants to know about other parishes that are using Latin and chant in the Mass, either for the whole Mass or just for parts like the Sanctus and the Agnus Dei.

To be clear, he doesn’t mean Tridentine Masses, because although he has nothing against them, he’s trying to prove a point to some parishioners that there are plenty of parishes celebrating the Novus Ordo in part or in whole in Latin.

Go to his blog entry to leave a comment listing a parish; don’t post it here.

My own parish doesn’t … yet.

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  • Well, for parishes I’m familiar with:

    1.  St. Joseph’s in Columbia, SC, uses several parts of Latin chant (we went there last Sunday, for evening mass, no less, and it was a *very* well done liturgy).

    2.  There’s (or was) a complete Novus Ordo Mass once a month at St. patrick’s in Spotsylvania, VA.  Fr. Paul Scalia used to say it.  I’m not 100% certain they still have it.  But they don’t just do chant, they do polyphony, and much of the polyphony they do is original, written by a local composer.

    3.  There’s a priest here in Sumter, SC, whose pastor will not allow Latin, but he will say the “controversial” parts of the English liturgy (e.g., “for you and for many”) in Spanish or Latin “under his breath”.

    4.  A really good source is my father, who is the music director at St. Vincent De Paul in Wildwood, FL (coincidentally Sumter County, FL).  Here’s their website: http://www.sumtercatholic.org.  They have pics of my dad and everything.  He does a mix of “contemporary,” Spanish music, 60s stuff, traditional “hymns” (both Catholic and Protestant), Gregorian Chant and even the occasional polyphony, and he usually does at least the Agnus Dei in Latin.  His love for Tantum Ergo has incurred the wrath of pastors at previous parishes he’s played for.

