Walk for Life West Coast

Walk for Life West Coast

The third annual Walk for Life West Coast is this week in San Francisco on January 20. There’s a very inspiring video at that link that you should watch too, especially if you’re going and want to get psyched up.

I know that many of the folks at Ignatius Press, which is located in San Francisco, are key members of the organizing of this walk, although it’s not officially sponsored by the press. Still, in that video you’ll see many of the folks from there.

For many years, pro-lifers have had to go to Washington, DC, in January to march for life, but now folks on the West Coast can go to San Francisco. I hope that people in other cities take up the challenge and start marches there. Why should it just be two cities? It should be every city. Imagine if thousands of pro-lifers marched in every major city in the US on that day? It would be awesome and they wouldn’t be able to ignore it.

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  • The democrats have the USCCB bishops in their pocket. In SF, the protest should include a direct protest at the Arch-bishop’s mansion door for his mute response to Pelosi and her shameful flawed Catholicism running amuck.

    The seamless garmet redux

