Shifting sands of political correctness

Shifting sands of political correctness

George Neumayr writes that the strictures of political correctness now bind both political parties and once seemingly mainstream points-of-view are being labeled as extreme, out of the mainstream, and unacceptable.

One of the Democrats’ most successful rackets is to label any Republican position, no matter how timid, “extremist.” This ensures that skittish Republicans will eventually even step away from that timid position. The “conservative” position, under the pressures of this demagoguery, inevitably becomes the liberal one of yesteryear, and then a little time passes and that position is deemed outrageous.

Pace’s problem

While this occurs in all areas of debate, it is most visible in debate over “social” issues.

The recent comments by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Peter Pace, USMC, on gays in the military are the seed of Neumayr’s reflection. Pace said that homosexual activity is “immoral.” He said it in the context of reiterating that homosexuals should not be allowed to serve openly in military. That elicited a firestorm of criticism, calls for an apology, and even calls for his resignation.

And all for publicly expressing approval for a policy put in place by Bill Clinton in 1992, a policy that even then was derided as an extreme liberal sop to homosexuality. Now that liberal position is extremely reactionary. What’s especially galling, Neumayr adds, is that supposed conservative Republicans jumped on the Pace-pummeling bandwagon.>In yet another profile of courage, the Bush administration bravely seconded the mainstream media and Dems, making it clear that their general had committed a serious societal no-no. Pace, quickly reeducated by enlightened Bush administration officials, chastised himself for letting slip his “personal moral views.” This is the approved relativistic lingo for Republican apologies: they make sure to call their views “personal” as a way of letting the PC authorities know that the liberal view is “official” and “state” while the conservative one is just a marginal “opinion” they would never dream of imposing on anyone.

From mainstream to barbaric

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1 comment
  • We have seen the same shift in support for homosexuals that we saw before when women agitated to be in the military—another disordered element of the modern culture that takes women out of the home, away from their husbands, and places them anywhere but the places they are needed most.  This fact is rarely, if ever, even debated anymore.  Despite the fact that women now serving in combat zones and ships by the tens of thousands help to destroy marriages through fornication and adultery during ever increasing and lengthy deployments under severe stress, only the most traditional and conservative fringes maintain that this policy was a huge mistake.  Our military is rotting from the inside out.  First women came to disrupt our services claiming they were entitled to serve and now homosexuals are demanding their “entitlement”.  For many years the military fought against the prevailing toxic culture and actually still maintains adultery as a crime (though rarely prosecuted), but I fear that the venerable institution that protects our nation is falling victim to the same rot that destroyed our schools systems, colleges, and many Catholic seminaries. Sorry to be so down, but as a recalled member of the military, I see it everyday.

