Self-pitying abortionists

Self-pitying abortionists

If I were still editing Catholic World Report, I would make this Off the Record blog entry into the next monthly column by Diogenes. (After the advent of the blog, many of his “Last Word” columns came from his best blog entries.)

Diogenes links to the blog of an abortion clinic worker who brags about the “gift” she and her co-workers have been given to “hear the unspeakable” and yet still go through with the horrors they perpetrate upon the innocent.

[S]ome divine power has allowed us to be present in others’ lives and bear their burdens for a bit, yet still have our own lives, our own joys. [It] can not have been an accident that we were granted this ability.

He then compares this to the tactics used by Heinrich Himmler to get the Nazi soldiers to do what every human instinct and prick of conscience would compel them not to do. He takes a quote from the book Eichmann in Jerusalem:

Hence the problem was to overcome not so much their conscience as the animal pity by which all normal men are affected in the presence of physical suffering. The trick used by Himmler — who apparently was rather strongly afflicted with these instinctive reactions himself — was very simple and probably very effective; it consisted in turning these instincts around, as it were, in directing them toward the self. So that instead of saying: What horrible things I did to people!, the murderers would be able to say: What horrible things I had to watch in the pursuance of my duties, how heavily the task weighed upon my shoulders!

I’ve heard that often domestic abusers and rapists and murders will blame their victims for causing them to do this to them; that the victim is blamed for bringing the crime upon herself. Recall the scene from Schindler’s List when the camp commander beat the Jewish girl he was lusting after out of disgust and self-pity for himself. She made him do it.

And so the abortionist and his minions can gather around the lunchroom table at the end of the day and commiserate what a tough day it’s been for them bearing someone else’s burden even as they were snuffing out innocents. What tough days for the Auschwitz guards as they were forced to deal with all those executions.

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  • This capacity for turning it around from “what horrors I am doing” to “what horrors I am forced to see to get my work done” was also seen in Rwanda. In a journalist’s account, from interviewing survivors and perpetrators, many of the people going around tracking down and hacking up people considered it work. Mass murder was tough, hard, dirty work, after which they deserved the loot from the dead people’s house. Chilling stuff, from “I am sorry, but tomorrow we shall be killed, along with our families”

  • I spent 100+ hours on death row in Georgia, doing research for my novel, and reading Diogenes’ blog post reminded me very much of the (very consistent) attitude of the guys on death row.

    I heard about how/why it was the victim’s fault; how strangling someone is much more difficult than one would thing; and mostly about how society mistreats the death row inmates.

    Those hours were what turned me into a conservative.

