Sandy, Jott, and OmniFocus: Helping me stay efficient and productive and on task

Sandy, Jott, and OmniFocus: Helping me stay efficient and productive and on task

Back in December I blogged about the web site, which is a kind of electronic personal assistant that keeps track of anything you tell it in plain English. To quote myself:

For example, I can tell Sandy, “Remind me to stop at the grocery store today at 5pm.” And then at 4:45, you receive a reminder. But that’s just the beginning. While you can give Sandy instructions from the I Want Sandy site, you can also send her instructions via email or even through Twitter.

I wanted to update a little on how I’ve further adapted and expanded my use of the Web application to help me remember my to-do list and actually get things done. My mind is like a sieve sometimes and if I don’t record something important as soon as it occurs to me or is told to me, it’s almost guaranteed to drift off into the dark recesses of my brain almost immediately.

Thus, Sandy helps me to record everything. But what if I’m away from a computer? That’s where Jott comes in (which I’ve mentioned before in another context). Jott is a voice-recognition system that interfaces with the Internet. Once I’ve set up an account, I can call Jott’s phone number, 1-866-JOTT-123, and it will ask me who I want to “jott”. I can jott myself or or someone else I’ve entered in the system, or more relevant for this post, another Web service like…


