The clerical chorus against war

Fr. James Schall, S.J., writes on National Review Online about the chorus from clerical leaders around the world, with a few exceptions, tut-tutting the American case against Iraq, and often contains a sometimes subtle, sometimes not, anti... [Continue Reading]

Prayers please

My uncle Frank is very ill and is not expected to last the day. He’s almost 91 years old. Last year our family had a surprise birthday party for him which he was very moved by. At the time, I didn’t think it was a good idea to surprise a... [Continue Reading]

Not getting any smarter

The local talk radio station just gave air time to a boob disguised as a constitutional lawyer. The guy, who’s leading an anti-war group, said President Bush is violating the Constitution which says only Congress can declare war. Um, hello... [Continue Reading]

Defending the Church

There’s a web site called that mainly offers forums where Bostonians can gather and chat, links to Boston-related content online, and also a blog about Boston-based blogs. Once in a while, they’ll highlight one of my... [Continue Reading]

Lack of oversight

Today’s Boston Herald reports that priests were promoted during the 1980s, even as the Scandal started to unfold, without anyone checking their personnel records. Priests like Shanley, who were sent on to pastorships, did not have anyone go... [Continue Reading]

Episcopal pop quiz

From a friend: Which addressee failed in Christian discipleship? A. Topczewski released an excerpt from that letter Friday, which said the Holy Father had accepted Weakland’s resignation, effective that day.  Archbishop Montalvo’s... [Continue Reading]


A guy was killed on the Massachusetts Turnpike yesterday while changing a tire on the side of the road. (The Pike, as we call it, runs east-west down the middle of the state out to the New York border from Boston.) The guy had done everything right... [Continue Reading]


The attorney general of Massachusetts, Tom Reilly, who never met a camera he didn’t like, has convened a grand jury and is calling bishops and priests of the Archdiocese of Boston to testify. Bishop William F. Murphy, formerly moderator of the... [Continue Reading]

