Episcopal pop quiz

Episcopal pop quiz

From a friend:

    Which addressee failed in Christian discipleship?

    A. Topczewski released an excerpt from that letter Friday, which said the Holy Father had accepted Weakland’s resignation, effective that day.  Archbishop Montalvo’s closing paragraphs read, “Your long years of service to the church in leadership positions both as a religious and in episcopal ministry are very much appreciated.  As you look forward to fruitful years of retirement, be assured of my prayers and very best wishes.”  Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 05-24-02

    B. Concerned she might cause a scene at the Mass, church officials arranged for [McDonald’s victim] to meet with Law. But she said his remarks left her feeling disgusted.  ‘‘He said the same apologies, but when he tried to tell me that McDonald had done much good in his life ... I couldn’t listen anymore. It was just the same old excuses.’’  Boston Globe 02-12-03

    C. Dear Mother Angelica, I am writing to protest in the strongest possible manner your call to “disobedience” in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and elsewhere ... The vicious and totally unwarranted attack on Dolores Leckey ... is but another example of the callous and cavalier manner in which you, your network president, and your people ridicule those whose task it is to lead the Church.  These are not the actions of people who truly love the Church, protestations to the contrary notwithstanding. ... I pray that you will cease these vicious attacks on those whom the successor of Peter has chosen to lead the Church in this country at this time ... You and your network are not helping me in my office as shepherd, pastor and leader.  Bishop Robert N. Lynch, 11-19-97


