New Catholic men’s podcast

New Catholic men’s podcast

A new Catholic podcast for men is being produced jointly by the Catholic Men’s Fellowship of Pittsburgh and the National Fellowship of Catholic Men. The podcast is produced weekly and features Fr. Jim Wehner giving a reflection on the upcoming Sunday’s Mass readings specifically geared toward men. It’s available at the Catholic Men’s Fellowship web site.

“It comes from their desire to respond to (Pope) John Paul II’s call for a new evangelization by utilizing new technologies to reach men who may not be tied into traditional methods of faith formation,” Ludwikowski said. “The podcasts will serve as a launch pad for men to begin to deepen their faith in a more meaningful spiritual way, initially in Pittsburgh, and then nationally through the National Fellowship of Catholic Men.”

I’m glad to see more Catholic resources coming from dioceses and other Catholic groups that take advantage of the new media. This can only be to the advantage of the whole Church.

“The purpose of the podcasts is to reach men who might be too busy to access, or simply not aware of, existing faith formation opportunities, such as lectures, talks, men’s groups or Bible studies at the parish or diocesan level,” Ludwikowski said.

“Additionally, we wanted to make formation enjoyable, easy, accessible and liturgically based. The podcasts, which are reflections on each upcoming Sunday’s Mass readings, plus questions for reflection, fulfill all of these factors.”

They say they’re pleasantly surprised by the response. Two hundred downloads may not be a lot in the grand scheme of things, but for a small podcast just starting like this, it’s a good beginning. A lot of guys can listen during their commutes or during lunchtime or something like that and if they can’t get away after work for a fellowship meeting, it’s one way to stay connected apart from Sunday Mass.

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