Nativity scene outside abortion clinic witnesses to Incarnation

Nativity scene outside abortion clinic witnesses to Incarnation

“Nativity Scene Stolen by Abortion Clinic Worker Returned by Police”

An employee of late-term abortionist George R Tiller stole a nativity scene belonging to Operation Rescue that had been displayed among crosses and other religious items on the public property outside the abortion clinic gate.

The plastic Nativity Scene, consisting of likenesses of Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, and a donkey were placed outside the notorious abortion clinic, as part of a national campaign called The Nativity Project.

The Nativity Project was launched by the Christian Defense Coalition and Faith and Action for the purpose of affirming the message of Christ’s Incarnation as well as the rights to free speech and religious expression.

... John Rayburn, an employee of Tiller’s who supplies security services for the abortionist, told witnesses that the display was “offensive” to him. He picked up the display and placed it behind the fence that surrounds the abortion clinic parking lot.

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  • I sent the Lifesite link to the Kansas editor for the KC Star, the KCMO paper.  We’ll see if they run a secular version of the story.  But this is an example, Dom, of where pictures grab the essence of the story.  The picture on the Lifesite story just told it all.

  • I was the “witness” that was mentioned in the story, my wife, children and I sadly spend 1 to six hours a week in front of that hellhole, abortuary.
      John Rayburn, one of tiller’s many ARMED “rent a thugs” never hesitate to threaten, cuss, spray you a hose, or drive as close to you as possible.
      John yanked up the Nativiy set after having to spray off the drive way (for the second time that day) that I written on with the oversized colored chalk. We chalk the driveway, they spray it , it dries and we do it again, and again and again…
      I am just speculating here, but I think that Nativity scene struck a nerve with old John…as I watched him spray off words I had written, BABIES KILLED HERE, he was staring at Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, and he froze for just bit…and I think it hit him…that the Holy Family should not be in front of a place that slaughters over 200 pre-born babies,  up until the day of birth, every week…and then burns them up in deathcamp-like oven.
      I say this because John is never slow with a comeback or demand …and when I ask him, Why are you attacking the Holy Family …he didn’t really have a answer at first..then he mutter the “offensive” comment… it is just a guess on my part and I sure could be wrong…but I think that the Natural Law on everyman’s heart can be be repressed and ignored but if never fully leaves.
      I bet a long time ago…many days before John started living off the blood money..the site of that precious humbled little baby surrounded by two loving parents, some animals, and maybe a wise man or two actually meant something to him….and his repressed feelings and filthy conscience finally got the better of him…
    I could be dead wrong….but I will pray a little extra this Advent for his conversion…and if he continues in his present ways I will continue to pray that John, the other rent-a-thugs, and dr tiller meet their eternal soon as possible…

  • I’m not a nice person, so I would have filed charges of larceny against the man who took the images.

    Just because I’m a rather vindictive redneck, who thinks anything to impede murder, that is not in itself a crime, is OK

