Kennedy remembers a Goldwater presidency

Kennedy remembers a Goldwater presidency

There goes the senior senator from my home state again. This time Ted Kennedy “remembers” a time when Barry Goldwater was president.

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), hosting a morning roundtable with reporters, had nothing nice to say about Alito. “We here in the United States are not going to stand for monarchial tyranny,” he said, protesting Alito’s support for “unfettered, unlimited power of the executive.” He faulted Alito for belonging to a group that was “anti-black and also anti-women.” Kennedy wondered if “the average person is going to be able to get a fair shake” under Alito.

Briefly, Kennedy rewrote the outcome of the 1964 election. “This nominee was influenced by the Goldwater presidency,” he said. “The Goldwater battles of those times were the battles against the civil rights laws.” Only then did Kennedy acknowledge that “Judge Alito at that time was 14 years old.”

So aside from re-writing history (just like he attributed The Communist Manifesto to Chairman Mao), he also slanders Alito until a reporter reminds him that Alito was 14. This is the quality of discourse we get from liberals these days.

Fellow Massachusetts voters: Isn’t it time we stopped sending this senile old guy to Washington, DC?

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  • A questioner pointed out that Kennedy sounded like a sure bet against Alito. “I haven’t reached a final conclusion,” the senator demurred.

    I…uh…find it…uh…hard to…uh…believe that…uh…Senator…uh…Kennedy…demurred.

    Fellow Massachusetts voters: Isn’t it time we stopped sending this senile old guy to Washington, DC?

    Hmmm… the last time the Very Senior Senator ran (2000), B.U. president John Silber wrote an op-ed for the Boston Globe, arguing that a senator as good as this one should not be subjected to the humiliating bother of running for election every six years.

    This would be Massachusetts politics in action.

  • To paraphrase Goldwater’s “successor”:
    “Ted, [shake of head] there you go again.”

    I cannot believe anyone takes this old sot seriously anymore. I guess Ted Kennedy really proves that *anyone* can make it to the top of American politics and stay there, even incredibly nontalented and uncharismatic sons of plutocrats (the plutocratic money helps a lot, tho).

  • Take it easy on Teddy.  He either had a few cocktails or he suffers from that form of genetic slavishness that plagues most pseudo-Catholics who reject “dogma” like free will when convenient. Also, one could argue that even his genetic makeup has been reprogrammed by Dewars, giving further credence to his defense. Either way his complete mental absence from the scene of his verbal crimes is supported by alibi, not that Teddy has ever had any need of covering his tracks.

    Ole Teddy simply ain’t responsible for his moronic comments about “monarchial tyranny.”  He was either drunk, or his genes predetermined him to utter such mindless inanity, or his genes are drunk.  At least what is in his jeans hasn’t gotten him in as much trouble lately as it used to.  And that’s a good a reason as any to keep voting him into the senate, right?

  • In 1990, Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) praised Samuel Alito’s “Very distinguished record”:

    Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA): “You [Alito] have obviously had a very distinguished record, and I certainly commend you for long service in the public interest. I think it is a very commendable career and I am Sure you will have a successful one as a judge.” (Sen. Ted Kennedy, Committee On The Judiciary, U.S. Senate, Hearing, 4/5/90)

    I guess Teddy forgot about this, in the same way he forgot what happened when he drove off a certain bridge in Chappaquiddick in 1969…
    cool smirk

  • Man! Do you know how long it will take me to erase the nasty visual I got when reading about what might be inside his jeans? Thanks alot angry

  • Let’s be honest, the man has never had a serious opponents and always caught a great break in history at the time he’s running:
    1962 – his brother is President of the United States
    1968 – his other brother just assassinated
    1974 – Watergate rocks Republicans
    1980 – He’s the “rebel” who just ran for President challenging Jimmy Carter
    1986 – midst of Iran Contra hearings
    1992 – Clinton’s 2nd term – big coattails

  • The rest of us across the country have been wondering about Massachusetts for years. 

    Teddy is only one instance of the Massachusett’s “difference” but how do you stand this guy year after year??

