Family-values conservatives … with families

Family-values conservatives … with families

From Rod Dreher:

He told me that we'd get a much different kind of conservatism if more conservative intellectuals had kids, or were more involved in family life. Conservatives whose intellections and contributions to public debate don't factor in family life are in general too narrowly focused for their own good, he said.

1 comment
  • He raises a very good point, for several reasons.  Now, one of the things I like about Laura Ingraham is that, as a woman, she generally “gets it” better than most conservative pundits—reflected by her conversion to Catholicism.  And she doesn’t have kids because she married late in life, which is a bit different.

    Compare, though, to Maggie Gallgher, who, as an unwed mother, is *very* insightful on marriage and family issues.

    But, more importantly, what is the basic claim that liberals make against conservatives?  They’re hypocrites.  Most major politicians and pundits are divorced and remarried X number of times, use contraception, etc.

