Devils in the Communion line (updated)

Devils in the Communion line (updated)

Update: Good Lord, there’s video. It’s a whole other thing when you see it in motion.

Last week, I told you about a Mass at a parish in the Diocese of Orange, California, where the priest encouraged everyone to wear costumes and he was going to wear a Barney outfit himself.

Well, now there are photos, including a woman wearing devil horns as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, a horned vampire in the choir, and various and sundry others. (Is it me or does it look like the Mass was celebrated in an office building?)

It’s one thing to describe the insanity, but as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

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  • Whiel most masses are not this bad, a Catholic never knows what he will enclounter at Mass: A clown wig, a woman concelebrating, a spirited defense of homosexual behavior,a devil giving out communion.

    Anyone who complains about such things is in the eyes of the bishops and the Vatican far worse than the perpetrators.

