April Fools protest (works as a verb and a noun)

April Fools protest (works as a verb and a noun)

I caption this photo: “Give me a job.” A group of layabouts chained themselves to a Bank of America branch in Boston today, in what they ironically described as an “April Fool” protest. Talk about truth in advertising.


They were protesting the bank’s investment in coal-powered electricity-generating plants. I suppose once Mummy and Daddy make bail for them out of the gardener’s begonia fund, they’ll head home to their apartments, turn on their electric-powered lights, grab a nice cool beverage out of the electric-powered fridge, and plop down in front of the electric-powered TV to watch themselves on the 11 o’clock news.

However, Melanie points out that I may be too harsh. She says they may not be hypocrites, but could be squatting in abandoned warehouses, living off the grid and fighting rats for scraps out of Dumpsters. We can only hope.

The ridiculousness of their position is that they offer no workable alternatives. You can’t build windmills, you can’t build nuclear power plants, you can’t build coal- or oil-fired plants. For groups like this, the solution is de-population, of course. Get rid of all those inconvenient people—besides wonderful me—and there’ll be plenty of resources to go around
for the privileged few who remain and nary a concern for the environment. Right.

[Photo credit: George Rizer/Globe Staff. Used without permission but for purposes of mockery and parody on April Fool Day and that makes it all better, right?]


  • I do get weary at times of the seemingly always available protesters who block traffic, interrupt business, and generally make a nuisance of themselves.  Is there much good that comes from their protest?  At one level I’m very glad that we do have the right to express our views in public.  On another level I would much prefer that it be done by grass roots writing campaigns, organizing voter drives, etc.  In fact, I have to confess that upon seeing the picture of the young woman chained to the door my first thought was “can they use another entrance and just let her sit there all day with her head in the bicycle lock?”


  • If only it weren’t frowned upon by the Authorities, I would have poured kerosene on the homely squatter, left a trail of several feet, dropped a match on it, and watched to see how quickly she could get out of her drop forged steel lock.

    But, alas, the Patriarchy protects her and her refined steel products.  Perhaps I could have gotten away with using the door quickly and repeatedly.

