Whither VOTF?

Whither VOTF?

Phil Lawler makes a good point at Off the Record. Anytime anything related to the Church happens, the media turn to Voice of the Faithful for their perspective. At Archbishop O’Malley’s installation on Wednesday, they even had a VOTF person as one of the “expert” commentators during the television broadcast. Whether it’s a new bishop, a new policy, or a new court case, VOTF has something to say ... until now.

Now that the Vatican has issued the new document on matters pertaining to legalization of same-sex marriage, we haven’t heard a peep from Voice of the Faithful. In yesterday’s Boston Herald, there was a letter to the editor from a woman who said she called VOTF to ask their position on the bishops’ recent call to for Catholics to contact their state representatives regarding the protection of marriage. VOTF told her that they didn’t take any position on the matter and didn’t want to encourage people to follow the requests of their bishops because they may have different points of view.

What is the purpose of a group like Voice of the Faithful if it doesn’t exist to encourage people to live their faith and follow the lead of their shepherds? That’s a rhetorical question because we know what the real purpose of VOTF is. It provides a place for heterodox Catholics to gather and lure well-meaning, but angry and confused Catholics in to be indoctrinated in their brand of dissent.

1 comment
  • Once again, there goes VOTF’s chance to really prove what they claim to be: “faithful to Church teachings.”

    But taking advantage of this opportunity would present a sticky wicket for the little group. For one thing, it would knock the nose of, for instance, VOTF foster father Walter Cuenin of Newton ‘way out of joint.

    At least the Herald printed the letter from the lady. How come nobody asked VOTF for a comment on the Vatican document?

