Another wartime inauguration

Another wartime inauguration

The chattering heads on TV have been in full throat this week, castigating President Bush for allowing big companies to pay for the inauguration festivitiesresign from his office as well as quit his pastorship of two parishes for unspecified “inappropriate and risky behavior,” although nowhere does the diocese mention the words “sinful” or “immoral.” 

And now we’re told that Msgr. Costa is leaving Illinois for a “center that specializes in rehabilitating priests, nuns, and members of religious orders.” I’m going to take a wild leap and guess that priests and religious don’t generally need special rehabilitation for physical ailments and that Costa’s not going there to recuperate from his beat down. Yet nowhere in the article does it say exactly what he’s being rehabbed for. Okay, someone could say it’s none of business, but if that’s the case then why is the diocese talking to the press about it at all.

  • It’s not fixed—-I got the music ad.  And I’m pretty computer illiterate; we have XP but I have no idea what Firefox is.

  • Okay, so apparently if the cursor is sitting over the ad when it appears as the page loads, it takes you to the ad page. I have an email in to the blogad people to see if I can get them to fix this. We’ll see what happens.

  • In an article in Agape Press (linked to by Seattle Catholic and Catholic Citizens of IL), writer Jim Brown quotes Stephen Brady – of Roman Catholic Faithful get the error now.

