The USCCB Document Generator

The USCCB Document Generator

A friend is attending the US bishops' meeting in Baltimore this week and sent along the following. (One must find ways to keep oneself amused... and awake.) These are all actual words used by the bishops from the last hour of the bishops’ meeting yesterday. Just combine any word from Column A with any word from Column B with any word from Column C. The system pretty much gives you an idea as to the content of most of the USCCB documents.

Column A Column B Column C
Thoughtful Scientific Collaboration
Simultaneous Evolving Ministry
Relevant Human Structure
Universal Shifting Development
Flexible Multicultural Dialog
Diverse Theological Person
Acute Cultural Committee
Sensitive Latino Amendment
Temporary Inclusive Issue
Limited Hispanic Staff
Standing Organic Priority
Practical Collaborative Reduction
Larger African-American Solution
Special Supporting Focus
Larger Ethnic Agenda
Strong Doctrinal Budget
Persuasive Standing Conference
Friendly Ad Hoc Challenge
Final Modular Rationale
Involved Emotional Committee
Growing Proactive Resource
Careful Reactive Community
Effective Sustaining Subcommittee
Permanent Restructuring Committee
Responsible National Model
Strategic Ecclesial Process
Forthcoming Procedure
Appropriate Analysis
Long Mode
Possible Stewardship

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1 comment
  • In the interest of staying amused and awake, I bet with a minor amount of effort, one could enter all these words into a spreadsheet and use the spreadsheet to generate “buzzword bingo” cards. ‘Course their Excellencies might not appreciate hearing “bingo!” shouted among the press corps periodically.

