The hipper pope

The hipper pope

An op-ed columnist at a local newspaper has a very funny column about people’s reactions to the fact that the Pope is Catholic. Peter Chianca writes a parody of an AP story with some priceless quotes that while made up, nevertheless reflect some of the tortured thinking I’ve seen in the media.

Sarah Loomis, 32, of Great Neck, N.Y., agreed. “I think it’s good for the church to have rules against killing and things like that,” she said. “But I was really hoping the new pope would loosen up on things like abortion and homosexuality. This is the 20th century, after all. Or 21st. Whatever.”

Catholics in other parts of the world, meanwhile, have expressed support for Pope Benedict’s extreme, right-wing, hard-line ideas, such as following the teachings of Jesus.

He even skewers Voice of the Faithful.

“All I know is, something better give,” said Mark Venkman, spokesman for Lighten Up, Catholics!, an organization of sort-of Catholic laypeople who have grown disenchanted with the church the more it gets on their case. “If they’re not careful, we’ll stop going to church.

“Um ... I mean, on Easter and Christmas Eve, too.”

1 comment
  • Why do these comments sound suspiciously familiar?  Haven’t I heard them in certain Chicago area parishes said without even a twinkle of mischief in the eye?

