The Chronicles are coming

The Chronicles are coming

image This is the cover to the December issue of Catholic World Report magazine. I’m very excited about this issue because of a special trio of articles on C.S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia, and the new movie The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I’m not sure I could have imagined three better authors. These were my first choices when I was planning this issue and I was very grateful they were able to take part.

Stephen Greydanus, of, writes a review of the movie and places it in its context with the current pop culture. Joseph Pearce, noted author and expert on Britain’s golden-age Catholic and Christian writers, writes about the influence that both Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien had upon each other, and Thomas Howard, another noted author and one of the wittiest and most urbane men I’ve ever met, writing on Lewis’s achievement in illustrating for us his stories the “great platitudes”, i.e. Platonic ideals. Some excerpts follow:


  • Dear Dom,

    So, when will the issue come out?  Will it get to me in time for Christmas?  (I ask because I got November’s issue yesterday.)

  • We’re working diligently at getting the magazine out earlier. You may not have it in time for the movie’s opening (Dec. 9), but you should have it by Christmas.

    You only got November yesterday? You should talk to your post office, although maybe the holiday slowed things down some.

  • I got my November issue just a few days ago too but I attributed it to my being a new subscriber…

    Looking forward to December’s issue…

