The Austin abortion clinic battle

The Austin abortion clinic battle

Remember the new Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Austin that was blocked from construction by a boycott by subcontractors who refused to sign on? Well, it looks like the boycott is weakening.

I just received a note from Stop Planned Parenthood via a reader that Ramon Carrasquillo of Rainbow Concrete Supply Company is under intense pressure to give and provide concrete. He is being threatened with loss of future contracts. Already some work has begun again at the site of the abortion clinic.

It is suggested that people pray for and show their support for Carrasquillo in remaining firm. It should be noted that one of the incentives for the subcontractors to not provide their services for the clinic was that area churches, a very lucrative construction business in the Austin area, would not be inclined to do business with them if they built an abortion clinic.

  • I will say a special prayer for them to hold strong. May God give them the strenght to hold against evil.

  • From Christianity Today:

    “There can be no triumph without loss, no victory without suffering, no freedom without sacrifice.” These stirring lines are from the theatrical trailer to “The Return of the King.”


