CWN’s Off the Record: Clerical Depravity in Maine

CWN’s Off the Record: Clerical Depravity in Maine

From the “Is there a gay conspiracy in the priesthood?” file, we have the following tale of the two priests from the Portland, Maine, diocese who were found out to be members of the gay pr0n web site St. Sebastian’s Angels. In this episode, we learn that Father Normand Richard gave a lawyer-and-bishop-approved apology to his parishioners for being involved. But his excuse was that he got out before the groups really “deteriorated.” Really? From an email on the web site’s discussion list:

From: N Richard .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
To: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Sent: Monday, September 27, 1999 6:48 PM
Subject: Re: [saintsebastian] confession

As I begin reading the emails on Confession and the need to confess after one has been intimate with a man—big deal right? This reminds me of an incident years ago. I had gone to confession to a neighboring priest. Of course, I felt comfortable confessing to him because he had made a pass at me. While in confession he asked me who was that guy because he would like to have sex with him. I thought this was interesting at the time. I never gave him the name. Norm

As Diogenes points out, he doesn’t even comment on the fact that another priest was using the confessional to pimp for new dates. Doesn’t even faze him.

In others of the emails in the files archived by Roman Catholic Faithful (PDF download), which are even more explicit and disgusting, we see the extent to which this sort of things is understood. And Bishop Michael Cote, then auxiliary of Portland, now ordinary of Norwich, Conn., lived with these guys and made excuses for them! How could he not know?

There is a network of actively gay priests in the priesthood, using it as their personal social club and completely disregarding the Church’s moral teachings. As Fr. John Harris, one of the Maine priests subsequently removed from ministry, puts it in one of the emails: “If the laity had any idea…ves. To friends and family, I am “Mac guy” and “Catholic theology guy.” My brother Bernie is “car repair guy.” My brother-in-law Pete is “art guy.” And so on. What would we do without knowledgeable friends and family? I feel bad for people who don’t have such experts in their social circles.

On the same note, I have great sympathy for people who work in technical support. I realize how difficult it is to try to understand what someone is saying who has no knowledge of what they’re trying to tell you about. “It’s green and it’s flashing on my screen. What is it?” Oy, I can’t even picture what it might be.

Oh, and I’m often asked how I got so knowledgeable about Macs. It’s simple: I read. I subscribe to several Mac magazines, I’ve read several Mac troubleshooting books, I subscribe to and skim, not read, several Mac-related email discussion lists, and read Mac-related web sites. Time consuming? Yeah, but it’s saved my bacon a lot over the years. And it’s even got me jobs that paid me for that knowledge.

Just some thoughts for a rainy Friday morning.

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