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Maybe that’s why he was after all

A former altar boy wonders why he was spared molestation by John Geoghan. So what if a seminary evaluator said he had a “pronounced immaturity”? It was the reason I liked him so much. The small, wiry Irishman with the slightly upturned... [Continue Reading]

The Ring and the Cross

The Boston Sunday Globe had an essay in its “Ideas” section on The Lord of the Rings and how Christians have “appropriated” the story. The essay contends that while Tolkien was devoutly Catholic, he didn’t necessarily... [Continue Reading]

Hate crimes against Christians

A gay man approached a Christian man at his home to try to convince the Christian that he was a closeted homosexual and should embrace his “true” orientation. In a fit of rage, the Christian beat, tortured, and finally killed the... [Continue Reading]

Chastity and celibacy

A priest who read the Boston Globe article on the gay seminarian who was ousted for his “outspoken” views had some comments to offer the reporter who wrote it. Since I don’t have a way to contact the priest (getting his remarks... [Continue Reading]

The changes begin

The Diocese of Burlington, Vermont, has announced that it will no longer immediately report cases of sex abuse to the police. Instead, as now allowed under the revised Charter for Protection of Young People, it will conduct an initial investigation... [Continue Reading]


It being Election Day and all, I thought it might be useful to post a link to an essay I wrote on the primacy of conscience. We often hear from people—especially those who want to disagree with the Church’s teachings—who say that... [Continue Reading]

Shocking if true

Carol McKinley has posted a shocking story about the origins of Voice of the Faithful. It sounds almost too crazy, but in light of so much else, it’s plausible. Basically, the story is that a small group of priests have long butted heads with... [Continue Reading]

