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Kissling is out

I meant to comment on this a few days ago. Holy Cross College in Worcester, Mass. canceled a speech they had scheduled for Frances Kissling of the group “Catholics” For a Free Choice. CFFC is a small organization (no real members, only a... [Continue Reading]

Hate ‘em all, let God sort ‘em out

There was a big flap over the weekend because it was revealed a Kentucky priest, with the blessings of the Diocese of Lexington, baptized the four children adopted by a gay couple. Now we read that Baptist minister Fred “hate the sin and the... [Continue Reading]

The heart of the problem

In Bishop Daily’s deposition in the Paul Shanley case, we see the essence of so many problems in the Church today laid bare. The lawyer for the plaintiff, Roderick MacLeish, asks the following question: “If the priest is making... [Continue Reading]

The Boston Bunch

Dale Price at Dyspeptic Mutterings has a hilarious parody of The Brady Bunch theme song as applied to the Scandal in Boston. You have to laugh when it hurts.


Mark Shea asks on his blog for readers to share their encounters with the superantural. He doesn’t specify whether he means encounters with good or evil, but I’ve had both. Live in Salem, Massachusetts, and you can’t help but... [Continue Reading]

Grit your teeth as you read it

“Writers pontificate on the next pope” is an article about John Allen, the Vatican correspondent for the National Catholic Distorter ... I mean Reporter, and Robert Blair Kaiser who’s worked for Time and Newsweek. They engage in... [Continue Reading]

Police looking the other way

“Police Gave Church Leeway On Abuse” says the headline in today’s Boston Herald. Bishop Thomas Daily, the former vicar general in Boston and current head of the Diocese of Brooklyn, said in court depositions that the archdiocese... [Continue Reading]

In case you’re looking for old stuff

I just realized that some people may be looking for posts from last week. You can either use the link at the left or just use this link to go right to the archives for October. Also, although the address of this web page has changed all old links to... [Continue Reading]

Google-eyed searches

For the person who came to this site from a Google search on “statue (sic) of limitations + sex + Maryland”, I don’t think that most sex is illegal in Maryland. And I can’t tell you what it is for crimes involving sex. And... [Continue Reading]

