Pro-abortion lawyers in the chancery

Pro-abortion lawyers in the chancery

We’ve had a busy week at Catholic World News. Yesterday, we ran a story about how lawyers with fundraising ties to pro-abortion politicians were advising dioceses not to distribute certain voter guides. Specifically, they were warning that distributing the Catholic Answers “Voter’s Guide for Serious Catholics” could violate tax exemption laws, despite the fact that the guide does not endorse or attack any particular candidate.

Then later yesterday, in a very quick response, the Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin, announced its lawyer would not get involved in advising on tax exemption. Now, that’s not as good as if he were told to stop supporting abortion or be fired, but it’s a start. And the response of the diocesan administrator (they don’t have a bishop right now) could have been stronger. But at least Archbishop Raymond Burke’s former diocese is doing the right thing.

Meanwhile, the lawyer is trying to justify his actions. He says that he’s always been a Democrat and that voting for a pro-abortion candidate or giving one thousands of dollars does not make him pro-abortion. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t, but it does mean you’re helping someone who will keep abortion legal and block pro-life action get elected.

As for the diocesan administrator’s claim that he doesn’t doubt that the lawyer’s advice was good, then why is he being asked to recuse himself from such cases? If you’re not wrong, then why act as if you were?


